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The Student News Site of El Camino Real Charter High School

The Royal Courier

The Royal Courier

The Royal Courier


The Royal Courier is El Camino Real Charter High School’s student-run and student-led newspaper publication. The Royal Courier has been publishing news for the school community since 1970.


The Royal Courier is published by the newspaper class of El Camino Real Charter High School and is funded by the school and by advertising. All issues are free. Our main purpose is to (1) inform the students, faculty and community of school-related news; (2) broaden the range of thinking of staff members and readers; (3) provide a forum for readers; (4) train the students in the functions of the press in a democratic society; and (5) provide entertaining features of interest to the students. All editorials without a byline reflect at least twothirds opinion of The Royal Courier staff but are not necessarily the opinion of the administration. Letters to the Editor are welcomed and must be signed; however, names will be withheld for valid reasons. All contributions are subject for restrictions of libel, defamation, slander and obscenity. The Royal Courier staff reserves the right to edit letters without changing the meaning, and also reserves the right to reject letters for reasons of limited space, untimely material, or unbalanced coverage. The Royal Courier is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, Quill and Scroll, National Scholastic Press Association, the Journalism Education Association and the Southern California Journalism Education Association.


The Royal Courier
El Camino Real Charter High School
5440 Valley Circle Blvd.
Woodland Hills, California, 91367
phone: (818)-595-7500
fax: (818)-710-9023

Donate to The Royal Courier