Rebecca Margolin
With the new school year came the long awaited redone field, just in time for football season to start. After over a year of renovations, Royals are excited to welcome the events and sports games to come.
“I’m actually really happy for the field because I’m an [11th grader] now,” junior Aziz Essid said. “I never got to experience a [true] home game here.”
This will be the first year that the current sophomores and juniors will get to experience a real football home game. For the upperclassmen, it’s even more exciting because they didn’t have the opportunity to attend home games for the majority of their high school careers.
“I feel like I was stripped of that ‘high school experience,’” senior Jayden Morita said. “I think that having [the football field] will make my [time in] high school feel more complete.”
In addition to the quintessential experience, the freshmen will be able to attend their first high school football games. The brand new field will bring a spike in game attendance since more games will be nearby.
“I think it’s really cool because I can [watch] the games now,” freshman Kellen Calderon said.“I live far away so I couldn’t go to most games [and] I heard my [older] sister complaining about it a lot last year since she couldn’t go [either].”
The wave of students being able to attend games at home is aligned with the start of football season. Having a new field changes the dynamics of the football team itself as they get to practice on a field meant for their sport and not the baseball field. This will allow them to create accurate plays and prepare them for real games.
“I feel like we’re a lot more cohesive this year,” junior and varsity player Carter Rubin said. “Being able to use a [proper] field makes us feel a lot more like a team.”
Royals will be able to cheer on their team from the new student section, “The Kingdom.” The intense cheers and support from the Kingdom brings a new level of energy and buzz to the school. Royals’ attendance to games will skyrocket and so will the school’s spirit.
“I’m super excited about the new field,” sophomore Annie Crawford said. “I definitely think it will bring more school spirit and community because more people will be coming.”
With the new student section in full swing, chants and student engagement from the Kingdom will become a large part of this highly-anticipated year. Such enthusiasm will also help the Royal cheerleaders gain more energy from the stands and attract attention during half-time.
“[It is] definitely exciting and as a cheerleader I obviously get to cheer for more people now,” Crawford said. “That’s a big reason why cheerleaders are here, [it] is to promote spirit and get people connected.”
The Kingdom brings new levels of school spirit and connection to the football field.The togetherness of the student section itself will push the players to be at their absolute best.