Squads Abroad
Seven fortunate students at the school, as members of the club Squads Abroad, took an illuminating trip to Guatemala, beginning on June 11-19.
“This was the best trip ever,” former senior Gabriella Recinos said. “I never knew I was capable of helping as much as I did and, on top of that, achieving our goal!”
The purpose of the trip was to build three eco-friendly stoves to prevent respiratory problems and to improve the quality of life of the students, the staff and the mothers who volunteered to cook at a school; and that was accomplished with the help of every student and teacher involved.
“It all started with the help of all the club members of Squads Abroad,” said Senior Cory Espinosa. “We had to plan for fundraisers, food sales, and different events and brainstorm ideas that could help us raise enough money to even go on the trip. Honestly, even those who didn’t go on the trip contributed so much. They were like the backbone of all of it.”
Throughout the trip, many students expressed gratitude and appreciation for the kids in Guatemala who made them feel so welcome, loved, and at home.
“During our stay, the kids were always so happy and kind to us, they even planned an entire performance for us,” Senior Marissa Yaggy said. “We also never got bored, I mean we learned how to make cultural foods, we took poetry classes, we visited ruins, museums and so much more!”
Apart from all the fun, students realized how different life was in Guatemala.
“Once there I couldn’t help but compare our lives to theirs,” said Amanda Alvaro. “Their schools did not look like school environments; instead it was full of leftover construction materials, smoke, and trash.”
Still, because of all of their contributions, students were left extremely fulfilled from the trip, learning many lessons about gratitude.
“I will forever hold this trip in my heart, “Recinos said. “I was taught to value what I have and to remember to share all of the blessings with others.”