The back-to-school spirit week, created by Student Council, showcased five days of different socially-relative dress-up days, August 19-23.
“We really took into consideration what the students suggested for the themes,” senior Student Council member Brianna Sanchez said. “We put these themes into action.”
To kick-off the week, Monday’s theme was Decades Day, where each grade was appointed a certain era to influence their outfit. Freshmen were given 1970s, and sophomores had 1980s. Juniors dressed up as the 1990s and seniors did so for the 2000s decade. Teachers and staff were also included in this day as they were given a 1960s or 1970s theme.
“I like the idea of spirit weeks because it’s fun to be involved in school spirit,” junior Sara Samayoa said. “I think it brings the school together as everyone can connect through entertaining and funny dress-up days.”
Student council continued to create dress-up days that would appeal to the current generation of students. On Tuesday, the theme was Rhyme Without a Reason where students and staff would pair up to create costumes that rhyme but don’t connect. This was followed by Dress As Your Favorite Celebrity on Wednesday. Some common outfits were famous singers, sports players, and cartoon characters.
“My favorite day was to dress as your type,” Sanchez said. “It was very funny, and it allowed students to express themselves and show others their types.”
Dress As Your Type was Thursday, which was filled with entertainment and laughs from students as they got to change up their style and express themselves. Friday marked the end of this eventful spirit week.
“My favorite day was dressing in class colors on Friday,” sophomore Aarna Uppal said. “It was simple and easy to find an outfit, and I had a lot of fun taking part in the dress-up day.”
Dress in Class Colors, similar to Decades Day, appointed a certain type of outfit for each grade. Freshman wore gray, and sophomores wore black. Juniors wore white, and seniors wore blue. This spirit week marked the start of an event-filled school year.
“I love the idea [of spirit days],” Sanchez said. “It is really fun to express yourself and dress up without feeling weird.”