The new biopic “Back to Black,” released May 17, tells the story of Amy Winehouse and the struggles she went through to create one of the most incredible albums at the time.
Directed by Sam Taylor-Johnson, the film depicts the late singer’s life before, during, and after her rise to fame. The movie begins in Camden, London, where Winehouse, played by Marisa Abela, signs a contract with Island Records to release her first album, Frank.
Winehouse soon meets Black Fielder-Civil, who is played by Jack O’Connell, eventually falling madly in love with one another. Both Winehouse and Fielder-Civil are addicted to several substances, making the relationship between the two incredibly toxic.
After a messy fight between the two, Winehouse released her groundbreaking album “Back to Black,” in October of 2006. The album was written based on her relationship with Fielder-Civil with songs like “Rehab” and “Me & Mr Jones.”
Taking the album as a message from Winehouse, the two end up reuniting and eventually getting married on a beach in Miami in 2007. However, not long after they end up divorced, deepening Winehouse’s addiction.
Later on Winehouse takes several trips to rehab, now being clean of drugs and trying to fight her alcohol addiction. In the process of dealing with her mental health and addiction issues, she also wins five Grammy Awards.
In 2011, after settling into her new home in Camden Square, paparazzi swarmed the singer’s gate with the news that Fielder-Civil is in a new relationship and even expecting a baby. The ending of the film shows a crying Winehouse in the final moments of her life, singing “Tears Dry on Their Own.”
The movie has several incredible actors starring in the movie, including Leslie Manville, Eddie Marsan and Juliet Cowan. However, some fans have been upset by the casting of Abela as Winehouse in the movie and prefer to have celebrities like Lady Gaga play the role.
This one hour and 47 minute movie hasn’t gotten the best reviews from watchers who have viewed the movie and fans of Winehouse. Some people have been upset that the movie focuses more on her toxic relationship rather than the fantastic music Winehouse made in her life.
Though the movie may not have depicted Winehouse’s life as it should have, Abela plays her role in a deeply personal and dedicated way that is shown throughout the entirety of the movie.
Fans of Winehouse still have hope that one day, she will get the movie and recognition she deserves.
Back to Black: A controversial take on the new Amy Winehouse movie
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