Walt Disney Animation Studios released the long-awaited sequel to the 2016 hit movie, “Moana,” Nov. 27, stirring great excitement just in time for Thanksgiving break.
The original “Moana” follows the brave Polynesian teenager on a journey across the ocean to save her island with the help of the demigod, Maui.
Praised for its vibrant animation, cultural representation and catchy soundtrack, the film grossed over $645 million globally, continuing to garner praise from critics and audiences alike and becoming the second best global launch of the year.
In “Moana 2,” Disney dives deeper into Polynesian mythology and expands on Moana’s leadership role as the chief of Motunui. The sequel explores new adventures, fresh challenges and even more stunning visuals that have left audiences captivated.
Auli’i Cravalho reprises her role as the voice of Moana, alongside Dwayne Johnson as Maui. Fans have praised their performances, which bring depth and humor to the film.
Many fans are ecstatic to see iconic characters return back onto the big screen, however fans on social media are also praising the film for its advanced animation. Movie viewers exclaim and point out the attention to detail regarding the noticeable aging of Moana’s character, since the sequel is meant to be multiple years after where the first movie was left off. It truly shows the care that animators show to the animation process.
The soundtrack features the talents of Mark Mancina, Emily Bear and Opetaia Foa’i, who each deliver an unforgettable round of melodies. Songs like “Rising Tide” and “The Heart Will Lead” have already become fan favorites.
Cultural representation remains a highlight for Disney. The studio collaborated with various Polynesian cultural advisors to ensure authenticity and accuracy when creating overall color palettes and themes.
As fans continue to venture out of their homes and into the theaters, “Moana 2” continues to be a growing success and a hit for Disney fans everywhere.